Progress Michigan blog posts.
By now, I’m sure you’ve read the story of James Robertson. If not, I’ll give the quick recap: We live in a time and place where we value wealth over work and spend more money building stadiums than building efficient transit systems. We live in a time and place where insurance companies have an oversized…
Winter is in full swing in Michigan, as is flu season. Even the most rigorous hand washing, sanitizing, and multivitamin regimen can’t always protect us from the dreaded flu or cold – especially if you have kids (a.k.a small germ factories). When an unexpected illness strikes, sometimes it’s impossible to even get out of bed,…
President Barack Obama wants to make community college free for all Americans. Um, yes please. His 2016 budget includes a proposal for a new grant program that will provide funding to States that agree to waive tuition and fees at community colleges for eligible students, increase their own investment by matching the Federal funds, and…
This week, Representative Todd Courser issued a long, rambling statement complaining about the process of how he was assigned a seat in the House of Representatives. Courser’s complaint followed an earlier fight over the design of his office. You read that right, a newly elected member of the House of Representatives is more worried about…
It’s that time of year again when Governor Snyder and our legislators start planning the 2016 state budget. They like to tell you how planning the budget is the same as balancing your checkbook at home, but it’s not. Planning the state budget for the year requires dozens of elected officials and economists to work…
By Brad O’Neil Just as one unnecessary and dangerous bill is averted another is introduced. Welcome to NRA-controlled Michigan. Earlier this month, Governor Snyder vetoed an NRA (National Rifle Association)-backed bill that would have made it possible for individuals with PPOs (Personal Protection Orders) or as they’re more commonly known, Restraining Orders, to obtain CPLs…
This week we heard about the State of the State and the State of the Union. This week in PM Blogging: Corporate Puppets You may recall what we did last year with the State of the State. We introduced you to the Fake Rick Snyder. This year, we set out to show Michiganders where Gov. Snyder’s…
You thought conservatives in our legislature over the last four years were bad? Well, say hello to two of your newly elected State House representatives, Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat. Courser and Gamrat are the poster children for the Right’s Dominionist Movement in Michigan and they let us know it every chance they get –…
Tonight is Gov. Snyder’s fifth State of the State address where he will undoubtedly try to whitewash his corporate-driven agenda. You may recall what we did last year with the State of the State. We introduced you to the Fake Rick Snyder. This year, we set out to show Michiganders where Gov. Snyder’s loyalties truly…
This may come as a surprise, but this week was actually a good week in Michigan conservative-controlled politics. Shocking, right? This Week in PM Blogging: How Done is Detroit’s Deal? Detroit retirees are not the ones expressing “relief” that the bankruptcy is “done.” They are canaries in the coal mine, a warning of what can be…