Progress Michigan blog posts.

A Friend Lost

We met 38 years ago, at first living together as friends and then keeping in touch, more or less, ever since.  So when the news came yesterday that Jan had walked to a park in Warren and shot herself to death, it was, of course, a shock. Jan’s death is tragic and horribly sad for…

Moving the Goalposts

A month ago we examined how Michigan was performing under the tutelage of Gov. Rick Snyder. As it turned out, Michigan was performing poorly, very poorly. Gov. Snyder’s most prized metrics – jobs and value-for-money government – were both showing negative trends on the Governor’s own MiDashboard; that is, both unemployment and the cost of…

BREAKING: Rich Politicians Against Raising Taxes on the Rich

Today, a group of Patriotic Millionaires released a video challenging several of Michigan’s prominent politicians and 36 of their Republican Millionaire Politician’ colleagues for their opposition to the Buffett Rule.  The message of the video is simple: Millionaire Politicians who vote for themselves over their country are unpatriotic and unworthy of the offices they hold. So…

Lansing Republicans find a new low

Just when you think our out-of-touch politicians in Lansing have hit their lowest point politically, today they plan to take up an abortion ban that already exists.  Yes, at a time when more than one out of every 10 Michiganders is unemployed, the Republican-controlled House and Senate are busy scoring cheap political points with anti-choice…