Progress Michigan blog posts.

The truth about the supercommittee

Guest post from John Karebian, Executive Director of Michigan Nurses Association. Cross-posted from Fight for Main Street. It’s impossible to know what the supercommittee is thinking as they approach the Nov. 23 deadline to recommend cuts of $1.5 trillion or more. They generally meet behind closed doors, and Michigan’s two supercommittee members have refused to hold…

They’re Holding Town Halls!

OK, supercommittee members Fred Upton and Dave Camp didn’t finally do the right thing and agree to hold a public meeting to listen to their constituents back home. That’s crazy talk. In reality, they’re finishing up this week of recess and getting ready to run back to D.C. and hide behind their Wall Street campaign donors. Nope,…

They’ll Do Anything To Win

Today, Americans across the country are heading to the polls despite new efforts by Republican politicians and corporate front groups in 15 states to make it harder for millions of American citizens to vote. In Michigan, this process was recently started by Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, who kicked off her campaign lobbying for the…

Legislative Malfeasance in Michigan

This guest post was written by Amy Hunter, President of Equality Michigan Pride PAC. An “anti-bullying” bill with exceptions, really? In a stunning betrayal of the public trust, ultra-conservatives in Michigan pushed an “anti-bullying” initiative through the state Senate Wednesday after attaching an amendment that radically changed the legislation’s impact. The surprise change guts the…