Save Michigan

Dave Agema, Unscripted

After trying to have it both ways in a weekend interview with WWMT, saying he didn’t write the original post but standing by it, then saying on Facebook he stood by the hateful screed, Dave Agema doubled down in a radio interview he probably thought no one would hear. The interview was with WPIQ in…

Ruth Johnson: Rig a Little Bit

Republicans are hurting. Their policies are unpopular and they keep losing elections. But rather than change, Republicans decided it would be easier to rig Michigan’s elections in their favor. Remember how Lansing Republicans gerrymandered Michigan’s congressional districts in 2010? Well, under the new GOP scheme presidential candidates would get one electoral vote for each congressional district they…

A Banner Day for Republicans

This morning started with an op-ed from Speaker Jase Bolger about how despite the stagnant unemployment rate and the refusal of Lansing Republicans to fix our roads and invest in education, Michigan is “The Comeback State!” Unfortunately for Republican politicians, it was all downhill from there. The story of Detroit’s new Emergency Manager’s unpaid taxes…