This Week in Progress

This may come as a surprise, but this week was actually a good week in Michigan conservative-controlled politics. Shocking, right? This Week in PM Blogging: How Done is Detroit’s Deal? Detroit retirees are not the ones expressing “relief” that the bankruptcy is “done.” They are canaries in the coal mine, a warning of what can be…


Progress Michigan Applauds Federal Judge Ruling that Michigan Must Respect Same Sex Marriages

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan January 15, 2015 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Applauds Federal Judge Ruling that Michigan Must Respect Same Sex Marriages Ceremonies performed in March 2014 must be recognized LANSING – Progress Michigan applauded the ruling by a United States Federal Judge that will allow same-sex couples legally wed in…

This Week in Progress

This Week in Progressive Blogging: Eclectablog: Constitutionality of Michigan’s anti-democratic Emergency Manager law headed to federal court Eclectablog: Everything that’s wrong with the debate over marriage equality in one screenshot Democracy Tree: The Detroit News Overstates the Value of Privatization TWIP Clips: #ImmigrationAction The biggest news of the week has been President Barack Obama’s announcement…

Pride and Progress

June is LGBT Pride Month and there is plenty to celebrate. In Michigan, we had a glimpse of the not-so-distant future when, for one weekend, marriage equality was a reality, the business community has finally called for amending the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act to include protections for LGBT citizens, and attitudes about marriage equality are…

How high?

“How high?” Apparently, that’s the only question Gov. Rick Snyder asks the big business community when they demand something from him. Here’s a list of the jumping Snyder has done so far at the behest of the business lobby: -Gov. Snyder gave big business a $1.8 billion tax giveaway that came at the cost of a…

This Week in Progress

Has anyone seen the size of Terri Lynn Land’s campaign truck? No wonder Michigan’s roads are in such rough shape. What’s the gas mileage on that thing anyway? Let’s get progressive up in here!  This Week in PM blogging: Who was John L. Lewis? In honor of May Day, Hugh Madden, Progress Michigan’s communications director,…

This Week in Progress

This Week in Progress When will Clive Bundy announce his campaign for president? I’m taking bets. Onward with progress! This week in PM blogging: The Bill of the People Elected officials are supposed to represent the will of the people. And that’s exactly what Attorney General Bill Schuette does — when it fits his far-right…

How Far We’ve Come

Today is Earth Day, the 44th anniversary of the birth of the environmental movement. Before the movement began, fossil fuel industries and governments could spew into the air, pump into the water, and dump onto the ground virtually any type of pollution with no consequence. The first Earth Day in 1970 led to the creation…