Progress Michigan blog posts.
After trying to have it both ways in a weekend interview with WWMT, saying he didn’t write the original post but standing by it, then saying on Facebook he stood by the hateful screed, Dave Agema doubled down in a radio interview he probably thought no one would hear. The interview was with WPIQ in…
After being called out for copying and pasting a hateful screed on the damaging effects of homosexuality, Michigan Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema responded in a way that was both cowardly and audacious. While saying he was being taken out of context and those weren’t his words, he nonetheless continued to proclaim “I will not…
Republicans are hypocrites. They believe big government is bad government unless it’s defining marriage; it should stay out of the business of business unless you’re gay (seriously, in Michigan, you can be fired for being gay). Just this week, Michigan’s Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema posted a screed on Facebook that warned of the “filthy”…
This morning, 21 Michigan Republican activists called on Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema to resign, apparently drawing the line at his Facebook posts claiming gay people are nearly all pedophiles and responsible for over half the murders in New York City. The activists were shocked – shocked! – that Dave Agema, who has a long history of outlandish…
This morning Susan Demas announced that today’s column would be her last for, apparently because she was asked by her full-time employer to stop. We didn’t always agree with Demas (like the time she called us a hype machine – tough but fair) but nearly always found that her posts were valuable to the…
Republicans are hurting. Their policies are unpopular and they keep losing elections. But rather than change, Republicans decided it would be easier to rig Michigan’s elections in their favor. Remember how Lansing Republicans gerrymandered Michigan’s congressional districts in 2010? Well, under the new GOP scheme presidential candidates would get one electoral vote for each congressional district they…
Last fall, Borgess Health announced they’d be building a new ambulatory care facility in Battle Creek to break into a new market. The announcement was greeted with excitement by community members as it represented a $26 million investment in the local area. Unfortunately, despite the announcement being full of exciting language about investing in and…
The causes which destroyed the ancient republics were numerous; but in Rome, one principal cause was the vast inequality of fortunes. –Noah Webster, American editor and writer (1758-1843) The Mackinac Center is a well-financed front for wealthy special interests. They are beneficiaries of the current political/financial oligarchy. One where banks are too big to fail…
Recording devices and the Internet have been the bain of the Republican party’s existence. But when you base your beliefs on things that are untrue, tell a room full of rich folks what you haven’t bothered to tell anyone else about your magical economic policies, and have given up the facade of thinking citizens are…
Most people accept that the Republican party exists in a self-contained bubble of information, even their own alternate reality. This alternate reality is policed by the Grand Old Party Poobahs – Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, and John Boehner – who determine what and who is acceptable, and what and who isn’t.…