Progress Michigan is a first-of-its-kind organization. Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.

Marco Rubio Needs A Drink

Politics can be awfully dry sometimes. At Progress Michigan, we’re committed to holding politicians accountable – and we’ll always try to liven it up. LIKE, Tweet, and share this video with your friends, family, and co-workers. Really like our work? Join our community and engage with thousands of Michiganders: [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’…

There’s Work To Be Done

The following blog is a guest piece from Michael Anderson, who is currently an intern at Progress Michigan. February is Black History Month, which gives us an opportunity to reflect on the contributions African Americans have made – and continue to make – on our society. Tonight will mark President Barack Obama’s fifth State of…

The 2013 State of the Union

Looking for information about tonight’s State of the Union address? We’ve pulled together our favorite Tweets, videos, and primers about tonight’s SOTU below. Make sure to check back for additional information. Too busy to watch? Well you’re in luck, if you’re out and about we’ll be live Tweeting the entire State of the Union address…

Statement from Progress Michigan Communications Director, Jessica Tramontana on the Michigan Senate dropping abortion coverage from its medical plan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan Friday, February 8, 2012 Contact: Jessica Tramontana,, (517) 974-6302 “It’s appalling and ridiculous that Lansing Republicans want to put politics between women and their doctors,” said Jessica Tramontana, Communications Director of Progress Michigan. “This move by the Michigan Senate mirrors legislation already vetoed by the Governor that…

Republican Politicians Push Radical “Transvaginal Ultrasound” Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan Friday, February 8, 2013 Contact: Jessica Tramontana,, 517-974-6302 Invasive and unnecessary requirement deemed too extreme by Republican Speaker LANSING – Last week 21 Republican state Reps. co-sponsored a bill that would have effectively forced women seeking an abortion to have an ultrasound performed with an invasive vaginal…

Michigan Leaders React to Gov. Snyder’s Budget Presentation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, February 7, 2012 CONTACT: Jessica Tramontana,, 517-974-6302 LANSING – Following today’s budget presentation by Gov. Rick Snyder, leaders from labor, progressive, and non-profit organizations issued the following responses: Steve Cook, President, Michigan Education Association on school funding: “While teachers and education support professionals strongly support expanding early childhood education, we are…

Happy Birthday, Rosa Parks

The following blog is a guest piece from Michael Anderson, who is currently an intern at Progress Michigan. Today marks the 100th birthday of Rosa Parks, a woman that was a hero for the civil rights movement and a voice for the oppressed.  Parks had long been a civil rights activist but one action not only cemented…

Tea Party Leader Refers to “Ethnically Challenged” Charter School Students

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan Friday, February 1, 2013 Contact: Jessica Tramontana,, 517-974-6302 Conservatives celebrate approach of “School Choice Week” with tasteless comments LANSING – On January 15 at a “Citizens Watchdog Training” sponsored by conservative advocacy group Americans For Prosperity, AFP’s state chairman Scott Hagerstrom outlined the group’s plan to continue to…

Americans For Prosperity State Director Slams Snyder’s Road Plan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan Thursday, January 31, 2013 Contact: Jessica Tramontana,, 517-974-6302 Tells Tea Party crowd the state budget is full of “pork” LANSING – At a January “Citizens Watchdog Training” sponsored by conservative group Americans for Prosperity, AFP’s state director Scott Hagerstrom slammed Gov. Snyder’s roads proposal, telling the crowd that…

Americans For Prosperity State Director Continues Pattern of Violent Rhetoric

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Contact: Jessica Tramontana,, 517-974-6302 Tea Party leader Scott Hagerstrom tells crowd about plan for “hand-to-hand combat” LANSING – On January 15 at a “Citizens Watchdog Training” sponsored by Tea Party advocacy group Americans for Prosperity, AFP’s state director Scott Hagerstrom outlined the group’s…