Progress Michigan is a first-of-its-kind organization. Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.

Progress Michigan Names Senator Coleman A. Young, II Legislator of the Month

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 12, 2017 Contact: Hugh Madden, 734-250-2070, Progress Michigan Names Senator Coleman A. Young, II Legislator of the Month Young honored for stirring speech defending the Constitutional right to free speech LANSING — Progress Michigan has named Senator Coleman A. Young, II its Legislator of the Month…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 9, 2017 Contact: Hugh Madden, 734-250-2070, Progress Michigan to Schuette: Charge Hollins, Snyder, or Stand Aside Hollins and Snyder knew of legionella danger, failed to inform public LANSING — Progress Michigan is calling on Attorney General Bill Schuette to put politics aside and charge Governor Rick…

Testimony Shows Snyder Lied About Legionnaire’s to Congress

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 6, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Testimony Shows Snyder Lied About Legionnaire’s to Congress Harvey Hollins blows holes in Snyder’s story, Schuette should charge governor MICHIGAN — Gongwer News Service is reporting that the testimony of Harvey Hollins, an aide to Gov. Rick Snyder contradicts what the governor said…

Progress Michigan Statement on State Police Trooper Resignation

FOR IMMEIDATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 3, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Statement on State Police Trooper Resignation Col. Etue should follow suit LANSING – The following is a statement from Progress Michigan regarding the news that State Police Trooper Mark Bessner has resigned amid an investigation into the events…

Thoughts Then Action Website Launches in Wake of Las Vegas Shooting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 3, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, New Website Urges Action in Wake of Las Vegas Shooting allows people to contact D.C. reps with call to action LANSING — In the wake of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, we’re seeing elected officials like President Donald Trump and…

MSP Chief Must Step Aside in Wake of Police Brutality Protest Comments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan September 26, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, MSP Chief Must Step Aside in Wake of Police Brutality Protest Comments Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue shared meme calling players protesting “degenerates” MICHIGAN — Progress Michigan is calling on Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue to step down from her post in the wake of…

Snyder Cements Legacy as a Corporate Stooge, Coward

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan September 20, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Snyder Cements Legacy as a Corporate Stooge, Coward Even after outcry, Snyder signs Citizens United on Steroids LANSING — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding Gov. Rick Snyder signing SB335 and 336 allowing unlimited corporate money to influence Michigan’s elections…

Progress Michigan on New Civil Service Rules

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan  September 20, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan on New Civil Service Rules LANSING — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding the new civil service rules that were pushed through the Michigan Civil Service Commission by anti-union Snyder appointees. “This is all part of the…

Bill Schuette is the Original ‘Pharma Bro’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan September 19, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Bill Schuette is the Original ‘Pharma Bro’ LANSING — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding Attorney General Bill Schuette’s press statement that he has opened an “investigation into opioid manufacturers and distributors.” “Bill Schuette is the original Pharma Bro,” said…