Progress Michigan is a first-of-its-kind organization. Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.

Progress Michigan Praises Governor Whitmer’s Actions on Unemployment Expansion

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan March 16, 2020 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Praises Governor Whitmer’s Actions on Unemployment Expansion Amidst COVID-19 Shutdowns, Gov. Whitmer Expands Unemployment Benefits LANSING – Today, Governor Whitmer issued an executive order that temporarily expands eligibility for unemployment benefits now through April 14 in response to shutdowns…

Progress Michigan Slams GOP’s Continued Threats to State’s Healthcare

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, March 12, 2020 Progress Michigan Slams GOP’s Continued Threats to State’s Healthcare Republican lawmakers are endangering Michigan’s public health MICHIGAN – On Thursday, Progress Michigan condemned a GOP-backed resolution that would use public money to fight against healthcare.  Republicans want to appropriate funds…

Progress Michigan Statement on Senator Lucido’s Removal as Chair of One Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan March 5, 2020 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Statement on Senator Lucido’s Removal as Chair of One Committee Senate Investigation finds Lucido’s conduct inappropriate MICHIGAN — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding the Michigan Senate’s decision to remove Senator Peter Lucido as chair of the Senate…

Progress Michigan CondemnsSenate Rejection of George Heartwell

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan February 27, 2020 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan CondemnsSenate Rejection of George Heartwell Decision shows Senate Republicans care more about NRA cash than qualifications Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding the Michigan Senate’s decision to reject George Heartwell’s nomination to serve on the NRC. The quote…

Statement from Progress Michigan Ahead of VP Mike Pence’s Visit to Michigan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan February 25, 2020 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Statement from Progress Michigan Ahead of VP Mike Pence’s Visit to Michigan Administration has fought protections for preexisting conditions, threatened to cut Medicare LANSING — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Michigan. The quote should…

Lobbying Reform Effort Gets Board of Canvassers Approval

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from the Coalition to Close Lansing Loopholes   February 19, 2020 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Lobbying Reform Effort Gets Board of Canvassers Approval Coalition to Close Lansing Loopholes to start gathering signatures LANSING — Today, the Michigan Board of Canvassers approved petition language for the Coalition to Close Lansing Loophole’s effort improve lobbying,…

A Tale of Two Budgets

In the past two weeks, we’ve seen new budget proposals from both Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and President Donald Trump. Coming shortly after Governor Whitmer delivered a Democratic response to Trump’s State of the Union address, these budgets provide further insight into the wildly different priorities being pushed by our two major parties. A budget…

Republicans Reject Qualified Appointee After Pressure from the NRA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan February 13, 2020 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Republicans Reject Qualified Appointee After Pressure from the NRA The NRA is pressuring Michigan GOP to threaten a quid pro quo if Heartwell not withdrawn LANSING – This morning, Senate Republicans voted to reject qualified appointee, Anna Mitterling, a biology professor,…

Gary Peters Gets Things Done

For the last six years, Gary Peters has consistently been doing the work Michiganders want to see in Washington, while keeping a relatively low profile. He’s not flashy, but it’s clear from his time in the U.S. Senate he’s been focused on getting results, not seeking the spotlight.  Here’s what you need to know about…

Report: GOP Mega-Donor Pushed Bill by Threatening to Cut Off Donations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan February 7, 2020 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Report: GOP Mega-Donor Pushed Bill by Threatening to Cut Off Donations Letter obtained by Progress Michigan shows GOP tying public policy to political donations MICHIGAN — In a letter to Republican leadership, GOP mega-donor Peter Secchia threatened to cut off…