Progress Michigan is a first-of-its-kind organization. Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.

Corporate Donors Continue to Enable Shirkey’s Hoaxes and Anti-Voter Actions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan April 27, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, (616) 916-0574, Corporate Donors Continue to Enable Shirkey’s Hoaxes and Anti-Voter Actions Majority Leader’s PAC bringing in thousands even after numerous despicable comments MICHIGAN – People across the state were shocked and appalled by comments Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey made…

No More Zebras in Lansing

Recently, I’ve watched in awe as woman after woman in Lansing, including one staff member here at Progress Michigan, has stepped forward to tell her story, to talk about her experiences and to expose harmful behavior at the hands of men in power and those with political influence.  As a young staffer in the Michigan…

Michiganders Will Pay the Price for GOP’s Political Games

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan April 21, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, (616) 916-0574, Michiganders Will Pay the Price for GOP’s Political Games Republican lawmakers let down public by choosing pettiness over effective governing MICHIGAN – On Tuesday, Republican lawmakers released a budget proposal that includes significant cuts to a wide range of public…

Fight for Real Justice Far from Over after Chauvin Verdict

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan April 20, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, (616) 916-0574, Fight for Real Justice Far from Over after Chauvin Verdict The following statement on the news that Derek Chauvin has been found guilty of all three charges can be attributed to Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan: “Holding Derek Chauvin…

New Poll: Nearly 60% Support Calls for Ron Weiser Resignation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan April 6, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, (616) 916-0574, New Poll: Nearly 60% Support Calls for Ron Weiser Resignation Lake Effect poll shows strong disapproval of GOP Co-Chair, support for FOIA reform MICHIGAN – On Tuesday, Progress Michigan released the latest edition of Lake Effect, a monthly research newsletter that tracks…

Progress Michigan Slams GOP Chair for Assassination Joke, “Witches” Comparison

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan March 26, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Slams GOP Chair for Assassination Joke, “Witches” Comparison Weiser’s comments are dangerous, inflammatory, and unacceptable MICHIGAN – The following statement on the video released today showing GOP Chair Ron Weiser joking about assassination and referring to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, AG…

Voter Suppression Bills Spark Well-Deserved Backlash

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan March 24, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Voter Suppression Bills Spark Well-Deserved Backlash Michiganders are ready to fight back against attacks on our voting rights MICHIGAN – Despite a series of thorough audits showing that the 2020 election was safe, fair, and accurate, Michigan Republicans are working to undermine…

Questions Remain Around Legislative Separation Agreements

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan March 18, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Questions Remain Around Legislative Separation Agreements While Republicans call out Whitmer, they refuse to look in the mirror MICHIGAN — With the news that the Governor’s office has waived the confidentiality agreement in the severance of former DHHS Director Robert Gordon…

Michiganders Are Done Waiting for FOIA Reform

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan March 16, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Michiganders Are Done Waiting for FOIA ReformProgress Michigan announces details of ballot initiative to expand FOIA  MICHIGAN – This Sunshine Week, Progress Michigan is celebrating by rolling out the details of an upcoming ballot initiative to expand the Freedom of Information Act…