This Week in Progress

Another week, another scandal rocks the Snyder administration. This Week in PM Blogging:  If you like it then you should have put a check on it You have a right to vote, but only because generations before you fought like hell for your rights.  Good News: Pension Tax Not a Tax News flash for seniors:…

Wake Me Up When September Begins

The right-wingers over at Americans for Prosperity and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy are urging teachers to leave the Michigan Education Association. They claim it’s about freedom. (That word: freedom, I’m beginning to forget what it even means because it’s so often bastardized by the right to fit their litany of agendas.) The Mackinac…

This Week in Progress

At a media training yesterday, I heard the best comment about Michigan’s lame duck session: “That sucker quacks.” That it does, but between now and then, we’ve got plenty of progress to make. This Week in PM Blogging: Gotta get down on Friday Friday news dumps are nothing unusual. However, last Friday was an especially…


When a public official is caught in some sort of wrong-doing, they often try to justify their actions, but the majority of the time, they come off as straight up dishonest and out-of-touch. Enter Scott Woosley, the head of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, who recently tried to justify spending $400 to $500 a…

Michigan needs leaders, not cowards

If you were faced with a problem, you had the means to fix it and yet you did nothing, you’re either a total nihilist or you’re a coward. I think Michigan’s Republican Congressional Delegation is the latter. Our state — and our nation — faces problems. Our immigration system remains woefully broken thanks to Congress’s inaction…

This Week in Progress

This Week in PM Blogging:  Deadlines, Democracy and Other Inconveniences This is just another story of those in power changing the rules in the middle of the game to meet their agenda. Democracy be damned! I’m One of the Faces of Welfare…and I’m Not Ashamed There are moments in a child’s life that have an…

Deadlines, Democracy and Other Inconveniences

Deadlines are supposed to mean something. That’s what I learned when I was a reporter (although I, admittedly, wasn’t always the best at hitting them). But somehow, deadlines didn’t seem to apply last Thursday at the Board of Canvassers meeting where they were considering putting a $10.10 minimum wage question — courtesy of Raise Michigan — on…

This Week in Progress

Another week, another example of people in power rigging the system. This Week in PM Blogging: The Right Tweets The online trolls were out in force during Netroots Nation and my Twitter activity was unknowingly feeding into their zeal. The thing I never expected was the blatant hate and racism being thrown at Detroit and…

The Right Tweets

Last week during Netroots Nation, I was quite active on Twitter. And so were the far-right tweeters around the country. During my week of tweeting about Detroit, Detroit’s image/perception and the water shutoffs, I was met with some harsh — and at times almost inhumane — tweets that the right-wingers were spewing about the city…