Progress Michigan blog posts.

Sorry, Right-Wingers, If You Declare Ground Zero A Battleground, You Can’t Claim Baseball

Image via Wikipedia If there’s one thing that really, as my sister the decorated Army Sergeant says, “grinds my gears,” it’s appropriating something that doesn’t belong to you. That’s toddler tug-of-war shenanigans, and it’s got no place in reasoned adult life. Except the people doing it aren’t capable of that kind of reason. Case in…

Things That Go Boom

Image via Wikipedia You can’t make this stuff up, folks. First, the so-called leaders of Michigan’s state Legislature, Senate majority Leader Mike Bishop and Speaker of the house Andy Dillon, blow a Sept. 2 deadline to put a permanent ban on drilling for oil in the Great Lakes on the November ballot. Cue up the…


Image via Wikipedia Ok, I just went back through all the emails I get from my right-wing relatives and other careless forwarders of chain letters debunked by 10 years ago. Survey says most of the tin-foil coated conspiracy theories permeating my inbox are OUTRAGED about the supposed “Ground Zero mosque” (read: Muslim community center…

The New Republican A-Team

Image via Wikipedia Seeing convention Chair Brooks Patterson called an “asshole” Saturday by angry, shouting tea party delegates at the Republican State Convention reminded me that comparisons to the last big takeover of the GOP–in the 1980s–only go so far.   The evangelical Christians who 30 years ago organized themselves into virtual control of the…