Progress Michigan is a first-of-its-kind organization. Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.

Michigan Republican Delegation Votes to Take Healthcare from Working People

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan May 4, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Michigan Republican Delegation Votes to Take Healthcare from Working People Trumpcare to end coverage for millions; raise costs for fewer services for all LANSING — Today, members of Michigan’s Republican Congressional delegation voted to strip healthcare from millions of Americans…

Progress Michigan Statement on Upton Flip-Flop on Trumpcare Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan May 3, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Statement on Upton Flip-Flop on Trumpcare Bill Upton switches position, caves to pressure from Trump LANSING — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding Congressman Fred Upton’s flip-flop on the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. “Fred Upton…

Progress Michigan Names Representative Erika Geiss ‘Legislator of the Month’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan May 1, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Names Representative Erika Geiss ‘Legislator of the Month’ Geiss awarded for her work on equal pay legislation and commitment to earned paid sick time LANSING — Today, Progress Michigan named Representative Erika Geiss as its Legislator of the…

Bill Schuette Chooses Corporate Donor Betsy DeVos over Student Loan Borrowers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan April 25, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Bill Schuette Chooses Corporate Donor Betsy DeVos over Student Loan Borrowers Attorneys General across the country send letter opposing the repeal of consumer protections for borrowers LANSING — Progress Michigan is calling out Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette for failing…

Brian Calley Works for Corporations, Not the People

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan April 24, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Brian Calley Works for Corporations, Not the People LG teases gubernatorial run despite record of hurting working families LANSING — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding reports that Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley is gearing up for a gubernatorial run.…

Now Hiring: Digital Organizer

Position Summary: Progress Michigan’s mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses cutting-edge digital media strategies to creatively build grassroots support for progressive issues. We’re a marketing department for progressive ideas – a campaign that never stops. We’re looking for a full-time Digital…

Lawsuit Filed Over AG Bill Schuette’s Use of Private Emails for State Business

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan April 11, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Lawsuit Filed Over AG Bill Schuette’s Use of Private Emails for State Business Transparency and accountability are paramount to a healthy democracy LANSING — Progress Michigan has filed a lawsuit in the Michigan Court of Claims regarding the use of personal…

Representative Jeremy Moss named ‘Legislator of the Month’ by Progress Michigan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan April 4, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Representative Jeremy Moss named ‘Legislator of the Month’ by Progress Michigan Moss awarded for leading the fight for transparency and accountability in government LANSING — Progress Michigan named Representative Jeremy Moss the Legislator of the Month for March. Representative Moss…