Progress Michigan is a first-of-its-kind organization. Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.

Michigan Republicans and the Big Lie

July 26, 2021 An analysis of Michigan Republican County Party Facebook pages and groups from November 3, 2020 through June 30, 2021, shows how tightly Michigan Republicans are clinging to the myth of election fraud. The Big Lie, a conspiracy theory about widespread voter fraud that resulted in the 2020 election being stolen from former…

Rural Policy Action Report Advances Progressive Vision for Rural Michigan, America

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan July 8, 2021  Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Rural Policy Action Report Advances Progressive Vision for Rural Michigan, America Report urges profound investment in rural communities to advance equity and resilience MICHIGAN – A national collaborative of rural policy and advocacy organizations recently released the “2021 Rural Policy Action Report,” outlining specific investments, policy improvements, and regulatory reforms designed to improve our…

Republican Legislators Jam Through Unpopular Attack on Whitmer

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan July 15, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Republican Legislators Jam Through Unpopular Attack on Whitmer MIGOP needs to stop wasting time and get to work on policies that matter MICHIGAN – On Thursday, the Republican-controlled state Senate opted to pass the Unlock Michigan initiative rather than let voters decide…

MIGOP Executive Director Resigns Amid Disinformation Wildfire

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan July 14, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, MIGOP Executive Director Resigns Amid Disinformation Wildfire Year-long election misinformation campaign is catching up with Michigan Republicans MICHIGAN – On Wednesday, Jason Roe, executive director of the Michigan Republican Party, resigned under pressure from the grassroots for not being loyal to…

New Poll: Michiganders Support Probe Into Insurrection, Militias

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan July 8, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, New Poll: Michiganders Support Probe Into Insurrection, Militias Voters want real action to combat right-wing extremism and build back better  MICHIGAN – On Thursday, Progress Michigan released the latest edition of Lake Effect, a monthly research newsletter that tracks public opinion about…

New Report: The Big Lie Persists in the GOP Base

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan July 7, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, New Report: The Big Lie Persists in the GOP Base Republican legislators’ efforts to distance themselves may be too little, too late MICHIGAN – A new report compiled by Progress Michigan analyzes social media posts from local Republican parties across the…

MIGOP Drops the Ball on Flood Relief

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan July 1, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, MIGOP Drops the Ball on Flood Relief Michiganders will suffer while Republican legislators enjoy a vacation MICHIGAN – This week, House and Senate Republicans each passed along a bill containing flood relief to the other chamber, but neither caucus chose to…

MSU Community Deserves Transparency Around Benefit Cuts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan June 25, 2021 Contact: Lonnie Scott, MSU Community Deserves Transparency Around Benefit Cuts Employees concerned about decision to continue retirement cuts into 2021-22 budget EAST LANSING – As the administration at Michigan State University moves toward finalizing a budget for the 2021-22 school year, employees and labor rights…

Progress Michigan to Appeal Circuit Court Decision

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan June 24, 2021 Contact: Lonnie Scott, Progress Michigan to Appeal Circuit Court Decision  Wayne County deserves transparency from canvassers who tried to suppress their votes MICHIGAN – Despite a disappointing decision from the Wayne County Circuit Court, Progress Michigan is continuing to push for transparency from the Wayne…

Progress Michigan Denounces House Elections and Ethics Committee Passage of Anti-Voter Bills

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan Wednesday, June 23, 2021 Contact: Lonnie Scott, Progress Michigan Denounces House Elections and Ethics Committee Passage of Anti-Voter Bills  MICHIGAN – After the Michigan House Elections and Ethics Committee voted out two extreme anti-voter bills that would eliminate options voters have at the ballot box, Progress Michigan is calling upon the legislature to…