Progress Michigan is a first-of-its-kind organization. Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Multiple Organizations Friday, October 29, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Orgs Applaud Whitmer’s Veto of Anti-Voter Bills Senate Bill 303, Secure MI Vote ballot initiative perpetuate “Big Lie,” aim to make voting harder LANSING – A number of organizations issued statements today applauding Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for protecting voting rights…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 29, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Scores Legal Victory in Court of Appeals MICHIGAN – Progress Michigan scored a major victory today against unnecessary restrictions on ballot initiative campaigns pushed through by Republicans in 2018. Since 2020, Progress Michigan and other organizations have been waging…
October 26, 2021 Spending millions, filing lawsuits, spreading misinformation, and telling lies: how Michigan Republicans and right-wing groups have fought the historic effort to bring transparency and fairness to our state through an Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. They have opposed and continue to oppose independent redistricting, nonpartisan maps, and an equal voice for all voters.…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 19, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Republican Lawmakers Launch Yet Another Attack on Public Education New bills would funnel tax dollars into private schools MICHIGAN – As Republicans in the Michigan legislature promote bills that would create tax credits for scholarships to nonpublic schools, Progress Michigan is calling these…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan October 18, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Did Wayne County Canvassers Lie in FOIA Response? Monica Palmer alludes to text message from district GOP chair MICHIGAN – After Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers tried to disenfranchise Detroit voters in 2020, Progress Michigan filed a…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 14, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, New Report: Republicans’ Fight Against Fair Legislative Maps Michigan’s right-wing has been fighting against a fair, nonpartisan redistricting process for decades, spending millions to spread lies MICHIGAN – A new report by Progress Michigan outlines how Michigan Republicans and right-wing…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 7, 2021 Contact: Lonnie Scott, MICRC Demands Exorbitant Amount to Fulfill Routine Progress Michigan FOIA Request Michigan’s Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission requires $60,000 for public records request, reduces to $30,000 after missing deadline, obstructing transparency MICHIGAN – In August, Progress Michigan submitted a public records request to…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 7, 2021 Contact: Lonnie Scott, New Poll: Michiganders See Through GOP’s Lies About Voting MICHIGAN – On Wednesday, Progress Michigan released the latest edition of Lake Effect, a monthly research newsletter that tracks public opinion about a variety of political issues and public figures. This month’s report tackles the…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 6, 2021 Contact: Lonnie Scott, Progress Michigan Calls Out Senate GOP’s Passage of SB 303 Anti-voter bill is the most restrictive effort from MIGOP yet MICHIGAN – Today, the Michigan Senate passed SB 303, an anti-voter bill that would make it more difficult to vote in Michigan.…
Michiganders need and deserve elected officials who will fight for working families and work to secure a better future for people across the state. Michigan Republicans have the wrong priorities for Michigan. For decades, Michigan Republicans have put the needs of corporate cronies like the Michigan Chamber of Commerce over the health, safety, and success…