Progress Michigan is a first-of-its-kind organization. Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan December 8, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Michigan’s Propane Prices are Near an All-Time High, Here’s Why Corporate greed abets fearmongering, but Whitmer and Nessel are helping families get by MICHIGAN – As temperatures fall and propane use increases, fossil fuel corporations aided by their well-paid lobbyists are squeezing…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan November 30, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, Progress Michigan Statement on Oxford School Shooting Michiganders deserve safe communities MICHIGAN – The following statement regarding the shooting that occurred in Oxford, MI, today can be attributed to Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan: “What happened in Oxford today…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan November 19, 2021 Contact: Lonnie Scott, Progress Michigan Applauds House Passage of Build Back Better Act, Urges Senate to Act President Biden’s agenda will make life better for working families MICHIGAN – Following news that the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the Build Back Better Act, Progress…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Multiple Organizations November 18, 2021 Contact: Levi Teitel, Rural Michigan Advocates Urge Passage of Build Back Better Act Critical investment in the American people will put all Michiganders on path to prosperity MICHIGAN –– Multiple advocates, activists and organizations who are dedicated to promoting progress in rural Michigan communities are urging…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan November 17, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Open Letter: Faith Leaders Speak Out on Secure MI Vote Petition Clergy and faith leaders sign onto letter raising concerns about impact of Secure MI Vote MICHIGAN – Over 60 faith leaders and clergy from across Michigan signed on to an open…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan November 15, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, Right Wing Groups in Michigan Spread Line 5 Misinformation Michigan Freedom Fund and friends use Enbridge talking points, imperiling our Great Lakes MICHIGAN – Rather than advocating for homegrown energy right here in Michigan or protecting the health of our Great Lakes,…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan November 10, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, New Report: Republican Ballot Initiative Could Eliminate 20 Percent of MI Polling Places An analysis of 2020 polling location data and interviews with local election clerks show the petition could affect hundreds of donated religious spaces used as polling places MICHIGAN…
November 10, 2021 How a Republican ballot initiative could eliminate 20 percent of Michigan polling places by prohibiting the use of donated spaces: an analysis of religious spaces used as polling places in the 2020 election. This report includes an outline of how communities across the state could be affected and the challenges this would…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENews from Progress Michigan November 5, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, Michiganders Continue to Support Voting Rights, Stand with Workers Latest pollings finds strong support for striking workers, opposition to anti-voter initiatives MICHIGAN – On Friday, Progress Michigan released the latest issue of Lake Effect, a monthly research newsletter that tracks Michigan voters’…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan Wednesday, November 3, 2021 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Applauds Introduction of Pro-Voter Bills MI House Dems package would expand voter rights and freedoms MICHIGAN – Today, Michigan House Democrats introduced a pro-voter bill package that would protect voters’ voices and modernize our elections. Voting rights advocates are…