Report: Schuette Misled Public About MSU Investigation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan February 14, 2018 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Report: Schuette Misled Public About MSU Investigation Investigation of MSU is not “independent” like Schuette claimed MICHIGAN — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding a report by the Detroit Free Press showing that Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette mislead the…

Progress Michigan Names Representative Christine Greig Legislator of the Month for January

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan February 12, 2018 Focus on attracting and retaining quality teachers earns Greig award LANSING — Progress Michigan has named Representative Christine Greig its Legislator of the Month for January. Greig was honored for her work on TeA+chers for Michigan Education Plan, a package of bills that will help…

Schuette Took Endorsement from Official Despite Suspension, Scam

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan February 8, 2018 Schuette also took $1,200 in donations from Cecil St. Pierre  MICHIGAN — Bill Schuette touted the endorsement of MIGOP official Cecil St. Pierre despite  allegations St. Pierre financially wronged families in Oakland and Macomb counties. Schuette bragged about the endorsement even after he suspended St. Pierre…

Report: Snyder Plans to Rollback Private Prison Food Contract

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan February 7, 2018 Progress Michigan has been calling for cancellation since beginning MICHIGAN — According to MIRS News, Gov. Rick Snyder is planning to “reverse course on using private vendors for prison food service” following years of Progress Michigan calling for such action. The out-of-state, for-profit food service…

Schuette Touts Ethics and Transparency, Ignores Record of Flouting Both

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan  February 6, 2018 Schuette’s rhetoric differs from his actions MICHIGAN — Progress Michigan is calling out Attorney General Bill Schuette for his hypocrisy around calls for reforms to Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act. The watchdog organization, who has been a leading voice advocating real FOIA reform, is actively…

Progress Michigan Response to Former Governor John Engler’s Appointment to Lead MSU

  January 30, 2018 Partisanship, past failures to protect vulnerable citizens raise real concerns  LANSING — Watchdog group Progress Michigan issued the following response to the appointment of former governor John Engler as interim president of Michigan State University. The statement should be attributed to Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan: “At a time…

Secchia Donations Must Be Returned After He Blames Nassar Survivors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan January 26, 2018 Secchia Donations Must Be Returned After He Blames Nassar Survivors GOP Mega-Donor has given over hundreds of thousands to Republicans in last decade alone LANSING — Progress Michigan is calling for Republicans like Bill Schuette to return donations from mega-donor Peter Secchia after he made tone-deaf…

GOP-led Legislature Votes to Send School Dollars to For-Profit Charters

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan January 18, 2018 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, GOP-led Legislature Votes to Send School Dollars to For-Profit Charters Vote shows GOP put DeVos campaign contributions ahead of students  MICHIGAN — Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding SB 574, which would divert public funds from public schools and move…