Michele Bachmann is a Clown

Is Michele Bachmann the comedic gift that keeps on giving? I think so. In addition to her well-documented history of factual misstatements and lies, Michele Bachmann has gone two for two in her two-day old presidential campaign. Yesterday, in a transparent play to Waterloo, Iowa natives, Michele Bachmann cited John Wayne as a kindred spirit,…

Get on the Bus for Clean Air

Right now, there are no national limits on hazardous air pollution such as mercury, arsenic, and lead. Unbelievable, right? This pollution is making us sick — causing asthma, developmental problems for children, and even death. But there’s good news. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is writing rules to update the Clean Air Act and…

Snyder’s Attempt to Shut You Up

Say you’re an elected official that rammed through an anti-democratic Emergency Manager law that takes away the responsibilities and powers we afford our duly elected officials and replaced them with appointed Emergency Managers. Furthermore, imagine that you’ve fabricated a budget shortfall so you can cut education, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and hand out $1.8…

Who makes Michigan work?

Hint: it’s public employees. Today, we’re pleased to partner with our friends at We Are the People to launch IMakeMichiganWork.org, a new website that showcases the personal stories of Michigan’s public service employees, who are being asked to accept an additional $180 million in wage and benefit cuts to pay for Gov. Rick Snyder’s $1.8…

Americans for Prosperity and the Big Oil Koch Brothers & Co.

Americans for Prosperity, a Koch Brothers front group, is dedicated to stripping worker rights, destroying the middle class, and maximizing corporate profits. Their strategy? Pitting union employees against non-union employees. Public sector employees against private sector employees. Neighbor against neighbor. It follows Jay Gould’s philosophy, “I can hire one-half of the working class to kill…