Lucky #38

The smoking ban went to the Governor less than an hour ago and the press statements are already pouring in. Rep. Joan Bauer (D-Lansing) hit the send button on this statement around 3:30 today: “This is truly a historic day for the state of Michigan. I am pleased that the House and Senate have worked…

Deny, Deny, Deny

If you haven’t had a chance to read Nolan Finley’s latest hatchet job on established science, please, take a moment and read his column in last week’s Detroit News. Not that anyone should be shocked by Finley’s shilling for the status quo. A quick survey of his blog and columns reads like a right-winger’s hit-list:…

Palin Hate, Demystified

Sarah Palin is the peppy cheerleader in high school all the boys thought was so sweet but the girls knew was really a vicious shrew. Or so says one of Andrew Sullivan’s readers in a deftly written explanation that goes beyond the “of course you like her, you’re a man who likes hot chicks” argument…


Question: Why doesn’t this memo rehashing the meeting between Attorney General Mike Cox and former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick record Cox asking the big question, “Was there a party?” Strange, because in the related Free Press Story Free Press story,Cox said he asked the mayor about the rumored party at the end of the interview. “I…

Idiot Wind?

“…Blowing down the backroads headin’ south,” Bob Dylan prophesied, and turned out to be spot on, with news coming out of the Southwest about an exciting new wind farm, exactly the sort of thing America and Michigan needs to turn our economic fortunes around. The Wall Street Journal reported on a deal to supply one…

The Real Death Panels

People are dying, and yet the Senate Republicans continue to obstinately insist on a budget balanced largely on the backs of Michigan’s poorest, most vulnerable citizens. It’s not hyperbole, it’s the truth. Just this morning, MIRS reported that Medicaid cuts claimed their first life. A woman described as a severely mentally-impaired resident of Northern Michigan…