press release


News from Progress Michigan

April 16, 2015

Contact: Sam Inglot,

Republican War on Women Now Waged Against Republican Women?

Representative Cindy Gamrat Ejected From Republican Caucus; Rep. Courser allowed to stay despite making the exact same criticisms

LANSING — Today, State Representative Cindy Gamrat confirmed that she has been barred from attending Republican Caucus meetings as punishment for disagreeing publically with Speaker Kevin Cotter on budget issues. Rep. Gamrat’s opposition to the budget was centeredon funding daycare programs, dental care for children, and Medicaid funding among other criticisms.

Rep. Gamrat was not the only Republican Representative to make the same complaint however. Today, Representative Todd Courser made the exact same complaint in a post on Facebook. Despite this fact, it has not been reported that Rep. Courser was told not to attend the same meetings.

“It seems that the Republican War on Women now extends to Republican women,” said Hugh Madden, communications director for Progress Michigan. “If Rep. Gamrat is not allowed to attend caucus meetings, why is Rep. Courser still allowed? Why is Dave Agema still allowed to represent Michigan Republicans at the national level?”

Speaker Kevin Cotter has not called for Dave Agema to step down for his statements disagreeing with Republican leadership.

“It’s fitting that just days after Equal Pay Day, that Kevin Cotter would dish out unequal punishment to a woman in his own caucus,”Madden continued. “Speaker Cotter has made it clear that dissent will not be tolerated – unless you are a man.”


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