press release

News from Progress Michigan

October 29, 2021

Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574,

Progress Michigan Scores Legal Victory in Court of Appeals

MICHIGAN – Progress Michigan scored a major victory today against unnecessary restrictions on ballot initiative campaigns pushed through by Republicans in 2018.

Since 2020, Progress Michigan and other organizations have been waging a legal battle against PA 608, which would have capped ballot initiative signatures to 15 percent per congressional district and put onerous restrictions on paid circulators.

Signature gathering cap and limitations on paid circulators struck down by COA

“Every Michigander deserves to have their voice count when it comes to ballot initiatives and we’re pleased that the Court of Appeals struck down provisions that would have placed strict limits on voter voice just because of where they live,” said Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan. “That provision, combined with additional requirements for paid circulators were deliberate efforts by the GOP to push back against progressive reforms made through the ballot proposal process. This ruling is victory for democracy and the people of Michigan.”
