News from Progress Michigan
August 24, 2018
Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, sam@progressmich
Progress Michigan Calls for Rep. Bettie Cook Scott to Resign
MICHIGAN – Today, Progress Michigan called on Michigan State Representative Bettie Cook Scott (D-Detroit) to resign immediately due to her anti-immigrant and racially offensive comments earlier this month on primary Election Day and her failure to see the harm in these comments.
Progress Michigan initially joined over a dozen community groups in calling for Rep. Scott to apologize for her words. The organization has since been disappointed in the tweeting of a statement from Rep. Scott’s lawyer to media, not herself nor directly to impacted groups at the time, and the lack of responsibility that has come from Rep. Scott for these harmful words.
The following statement can be attributed to Lonnie Scott, executive director for Progress Michigan:
“Based on Rep. Scott’s disgusting comments and the failed opportunity she had to right the situation at a meeting with community groups this week, we do not believe Rep. Scott should be in a position of power. She should step down and spend the time in classes or programs as suggested by the Michigan Office of Civil Rights to rid herself of her biases and prejudices. Actions and words rooted in racism and xenophobia have no place in Michigan and especially not the Michigan Legislature.”