Pennies for Pat

There is out of touch and then there’s Patrick Colbeck. Senator Colbeck today posted on FB about how he, as a Michigan State Senator, is struggling to live on a “fixed income.” Wait, what? I know, I had the same reaction. As someone who did grow up in a fixed income household, I am livid.…

Republican State Senator Calls $72,000 Salary a ‘Fixed Income’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan January 4, 2017 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Republican State Senator Calls $72,000 Salary a ‘Fixed Income’ Out-of-Touch Patrick Colbeck Complains About His Publicly-Funded Salary  LANSING — Despite twice running for election to serve the people of Michigan, Senator Patrick Colbeck took to social media today to complain…