As we prepare to celebrate the two-year anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act, Know Your Care Michigan has been busy preparing for a variety of events and actions across the the State. We’ve been working with our partners to capitalize on this great opportunity to make sure that people understand the benefits that are now available to them as a result of the law and to celebrate the millions of Americans who are already benefiting.

From a press call with influential members of Congress like Congressmen John Dingell, John Conyers and Sandy Levin to a town hall with seniors in Southeast Michigan. We will be hard at work spreading the word that the Affordable Care Act is working, will you help us?

Our message throughout the week is simply that #HealthCareWorks, and we’ll be using the stories of real people to educate their peers about the benefits of the law.

  • Health care works for women, children, seniors – everyone. More than 2.9 million Michiganders received preventative care such as mammograms and colonoscopies for free in 2011.
  • Health care works for young adults: 57,527 Young Adults in Michigan are now insured because of the new health care law.
  • Health care works for seniors: 84,168 Medicare beneficiaries saved more than $48 million on prescription drugs because of the new health care law.
  • Health care works for small businesses: A growing number of businesses offering health care coverage are taking advantage of tax credits available under the law.

Even though the facts show that the ACA is working, Republicans are still doing everything they can to try and repeal the law. On Monday, March 26th, the Supreme Court will begin oral arguments about the constitutionality of the law and we need to make sure that they and the Republicans that are seeking to repeal the law, hear our voices loud and clear, “The Affordable Care Act is working and should not be repealed.” Will you help us today by writing a letter to the editor to make sure your voice is heard?

We are thankful for the benefits the ACA has been able to provide in just 2 short years and appreciate your support for such a crucial issue. This fight is about more than politics, for some people it is literally about life and death. Please consider writing a letter to the editor today.

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