Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop has a knack for doing nothing. In fact, he has presided over the Say No Senate for more than two years. A time period that is most notable for yearly budget debacles and a general resistance to progress.

Also, he seems to be an unabashed opportunist. A recent article from the Free Press says as much:

Measured by the same standard, the initiative Bishop announced last week is a non-event. It risks nothing politically. It is fraught with constitutional and practical hazards that make even Dillon’s comprehensive overhaul look simple by comparison. And it signals only the GOP majority leader’s willingness to vilify a weakened labor movement with whom his party has long been at odds.

In fact, the most notable thing about Bishop’s initiative is how timid it is by comparison with bolder and more comprehensive proposals advanced by other conservative groups, including Business Leaders of Michigan, the statewide mouthpiece of corporate CEOs that succeeded Detroit Renaissance.

And here is the knife in the heart:

Bishop has demonstrated that he is more interested in placating traditional Republican constituencies and scapegoating public employees than in advancing the reform discussion.