Where Does Rep. Bryan Posthumus Actually Live? 

MICHIGAN – On Tuesday, Progress Michigan released the following statement regarding the recent news that Representative Bryan Posthumus may have broken election laws while at the same time fighting to make voting more difficult for Michiganders. The statement can be attributed to Sam Inglot, executive director for Progress Michigan:

“Republican lawmakers are fighting to pass an unnecessary and burdensome anti-voter proposal that could disenfranchise tens of thousands of eligible voters across the state. And in the meantime, the guy they’ve got leading the charge—Rep. Bryan ‘Poll-Tax’ Posthumus—may be breaking election laws himself.

“If Michigan Republicans aren’t going to do anything to lower costs for Michiganders because they’re too busy licking Trump’s boots, the least they can do is make sure they have their own houses in order before they try to score political points with false claims about Michigan voters and elections.”
