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News from Progress Michigan

March 18, 2025

Contact: Denzel McCampbell,

New Poll: Michigan Republicans Have the Wrong Priorities (As Usual)

Michiganders unhappy with anti-voter resolution, as well as state budget

MICHIGAN – According to Progress Michigan’s latest Lake Effect poll, Michiganders are decidedly unhappy with how House Republicans have chosen to spend their first couple of months in the majority. The following statement can be attributed to Sam Inglot, executive director of Progress Michigan:

“Michigan MAGA Republicans have been back in the House majority for less than three months, and Michiganders are already sick of their twisted priorities and dangerous policy agenda. Instead of supporting public schools, Matt Hall and company are doubling down on the perennially unpopular DeVos-backed scheme to defund public education in order to expand private and charter schools that the wealthy can profit off of.

“Instead of doing anything about corporate price gouging, healthcare access, affordable housing, or any of the other real problems working families face, they’re busy bullying trans kids. And on top of that, they’re trying to restrict eligible Michiganders’ access to one of the only tools we have to hold elected officials accountable: the ballot box.

“MAGA Matt Hall has bad faith arguments and lies ready to defend his party’s toxic agenda, but Michiganders know better than to trust him and they’ve had enough of his excuses. Whether it is defunding public education to appease their billionaire overlords or pushing barriers to voting while potentially violating election laws themselves, MAGA Matt Hall and the Michigan GOP are out of step with Michiganders. The people of this state deserve better, and they know it.”

Additional poll results are available here. Some key takeaways are listed and shown in the graphs below:

  • Two-thirds of Michiganders oppose the budget proposed by Michigan Republicans.
  • More than half of Michiganders overall, and 88 percent of Democrats, are less likely to vote for a lawmaker who puts more barriers between voters and the ballot box. 
  • Three-quarters of Michiganders, including more than half of Republicans, think lawmakers should be focusing on addressing the rising cost of living rather than worrying about who uses what bathroom.
