press release

News from Progress Michigan and Detroit Action

June 14, 2024

Contact: Sam Inglot,

Radio Ad, Mobile Billboard Highlight Trump’s Record As He Visits Detroit

Former president has never been on Detroiters’ side

DETROIT – On Friday, Progress Michigan and Detroit Action announced the purchase of radio spots and a mobile billboard highlighting Donald Trump’s disastrous record as the former president comes to town for a Turning Point USA event. These purchases feature messages about Trump’s record as president on abortion, his efforts to have Detroiters’ votes thrown out in 2020, and his long history of racism.

“After everything Trump said and did during his presidency, I’m almost impressed by the audacity it takes for him to show up in Detroit and pretend he’s ever been on Detroiters’ side,” said Sam Inglot, executive director of Progress Michigan. “In 2020, he and his cronies openly tried to block the certification of election results in Detroit and disenfranchise the thousands and thousands of voters in the city who turned out to make their voices heard. Trump has shown his support for greedy corporations and Christian nationalists time and time again, in both his words and his policies—but he has never shown up for marginalized people or working families. If he hopes this visit will be well-received or that anyone will fall for the half-hearted lip service he’s paying, he is sorely mistaken.”

“We refuse to let Trump and his cronies mislead Black, brown, and working-class communities into voting against their interests. Detroit continues to grapple with economic inequality and judicial rollbacks from the Trump era, including attacks on Affirmative Action. But we’re smarter than they think, as evidenced by voters upholding reproductive rights and rejecting voter disenfranchisement. Our new radio spot will highlight the truth: the far right’s efforts to dismantle public education and union jobs while giving massive tax breaks to corporations. We will continue mobilizing to ensure the polls reflect our community’s needs, reinforcing our values and resilience,” said Branden Snyder, Executive Director at Detroit Action. 

The audio of the radio ad can be found here. The ad began running Tuesday and will run through Sunday. The buy is a joint effort between Detroit Action and Progress Michigan

A picture of Progress Michigan’s mobile billboard can be found here.
