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News from Progress Michigan

June 21, 2024

Contact: Denzel McCampbell, (313) 400-0298,

New Poll: Michiganders Unfazed by Anti-LGBTQ+ Fearmongering

Lake Effect shows support for LGBTQ+ Equality, Financial Transparency

MICHIGAN – On Thursday, Progress Michigan released the latest edition of Lake Effect, a monthly poll that tracks public opinion about a variety of issues and political figures. This month, we dug into Michiganders’ opinions about LGBTQ+ equality and financial transparency, as well as their knowledge of the U.S. and Michigan Supreme Courts.

“MAGA Republicans have been working overtime to instill fear and hatred toward the LGBTQ+ community, but it isn’t working,” said Sam Inglot, executive director of Progress Michigan. “This Pride Month, Michiganders are reaffirming their support for equal rights for all, and we refuse to let outside forces and political opportunists turn us against each other. Meanwhile, Michiganders are fully on board with AG Dana Nessel’s assertion that candidates ought to provide as much detail as possible in their financial disclosures. This poll also reaffirms something we already know about the voters and Michigan Supreme Court—only about half of the folks we surveyed know that we choose these justices ourselves via elections, which is a knowledge gap we’ll need to address to ensure every voter can make informed decisions this November.”

Other findings are available here. Some key takeaways include:

  • 82 percent of respondents correctly identified that U.S. Supreme Court justices are appointed by the president. When asked about the Michigan Supreme Court, only 51 percent correctly answered that these justices are elected by voters.
  • 81 percent of those polled believe LGBTQ+ Michiganders should have equal protections under the law, but only 59 percent believe they currently do.
  • 84 percent of those polled believe LGBTQ+ people should be treated the same as everyone else, but only 46 percent believe they currently are.
  • 75 percent of respondents believe lawmakers should focus on raising incomes and lowering costs for Michiganders, as opposed to creating panic about Pride Month.
  • Attorney General Dana Nessel says candidates for office should provide as much detail as possible in their financial disclosures. 80 percent of those polled agree with her, while only 6 percent said they disagree.

Margin of error for this poll was +/- 3.6%
