press release

News from Progress Michigan

April 29, 2021 

Contact: Sam Inglot, (616) 916-0574, 

Let’s Get Michigan ‘Vacc to Normal’

Gov. Whitmer’s plan will help our state start to safely recover from COVID pandemic

MICHIGAN – On Wednesday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced her “MI Vacc to Normal,” a plan that sets clear benchmarks for relaxing public health restrictions as more and more Michiganders become fully vaccinated. From the start, Gov. Whitmer’s goal has been to equitably vaccinate 70 percent of Michiganders ages 16 and older, and this plan charts a path toward regaining some sense of normalcy as we move closer to that goal. 

“Unfazed by Republican lawmakers’ dangerous lies and near-constant attempts to undermine her public health efforts, Gov. Whitmer has continued to show strong, steady leadership throughout this crisis,” said Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan. “Despite widespread calls from right-wing extremists to ignore the science and do away with public health restrictions immediately, it’s crucial that we do this gradually and safely—and ‘MI Vacc to Normal’ will help make that happen. Gov. Whitmer has done her part to keep us safe throughout this pandemic. Now, it’s time for the rest of us to do ours, by getting our vaccines as soon as possible and continuing to mask up and socially distance in the meantime.”
