press release


News from Progress Michigan

May 4, 2017

Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574,

Michigan Republican Delegation Votes to Take Healthcare from Working People

Trumpcare to end coverage for millions; raise costs for fewer services for all

LANSING — Today, members of Michigan’s Republican Congressional delegation voted to strip healthcare from millions of Americans while raising costs and slashing services for all healthcare consumers. The vote came after promises to lower costs and protect popular provisions such as protections for those with preexisting conditions.

“Today’s vote is further proof that Republicans in Congress would rather do the bidding of their donors and corporations instead of standing up for the majority of Americans,” said Lonnie Scott, executive director of Progress Michigan. “With millions in the streets, attending town hall meetings, calling and writing their member of Congress, it should have been easy to hear and listen to the people. Instead, our Republican Congressional delegation ignored their own constituents – their own neighbors – and passed an unpopular bill that will hurt the people they supposedly represent. During elections these same Republicans claim to be ‘pro-life’ but their actions today will likely cost people their lives and/or livelihoods. It’s a shame that campaign rhetoric and political ideology have overrode sound policy, but as we’ve witnessed in Michigan over they past eight years, that seems to be the Republican way.”

All nine members of the Republican delegation voted for the bill while all five members of the Democratic delegation opposed it.

“We deserve a government of, by and for the people, but today those who voted for Trumpcare have turned their backs on the people of Michigan and people around the country,” Scott continued. “We thank those who opposed this bill and urge Senators Stabenow and Peters to fight against passage of Trumpcare in the United States Senate.”


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