Progress Michigan Calls Snyder What He Is — Just Another Politician

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE News from Progress Michigan October 28, 2013 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Calls Snyder What He Is — Just Another Politician Snyder: “I don’t recall.” DETROIT — Today at the Detroit bankruptcy hearing, Gov. Rick Snyder continually dodged questions from attorneys representing the retirees of Detroit. From the Detroit News:…

‘Bold’-faced lies

Gov. Rick Snyder recently spoke at a 40 under 40 event in Grand Rapids. He gave a speech to the up-and-comers in an effort to bestow his gubernatorial wisdom on the crowd. “When I first became governor, people would come up and say, ‘be bold.’ And that’s something we should all focus on,” Snyder said.…

Progress Michigan Calls on Gov. Rick Snyder to Come Back to Reality

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  News from Progress Michigan October 28, 2013 Contact: Sam Inglot, 616-916-0574, Progress Michigan Calls on Gov. Rick Snyder to Come Back to Reality Snyder’s policies have made Michigan anything but the “Comeback State” DETROIT — As Gov. Rick Snyder testifies today in the historic and unprecedented Detroit bankruptcy hearings, he is…