This is a breaking news bulletin. U.S. Representatives Dave Camp and Fred Upton, appointed to the supercommittee two months ago, have not been seen engaging their constituents for months. Rep. Fred Upton was at a public forum on August 15 facing a boisterous crowd upset over his positions on tax policy and Medicare during a community forum – he hasn’t been seen since. Rep. Dave Camp has yet to hold a single town hall since being appointed to the supercommittee, and was last seen slipping into Wall Street’s pocket.
Their return to Michigan to listen to the voice of their constituents is of the utmost importance. Representatives Camp and Upton owe to their constituents an open and honest decision making process as members of the powerful supercommittee. With supercommittee meetings being conducted super-secretly and a slew of polls showing strong public support for increasing taxes on millionaires, it’s imperative Camp and Upton listen to the voice of the people so those who can’t afford a lobbyist or super-PAC are represented in the super-secret supercommittee meetings.
Several weeks ago a few activists that were worried about Camp’s support for cuts to Medicaid managed to track him down. Fifty-four constituents and disability rights advocates in wheelchairs visited his office on September 19, but were promptly handcuffed, arrested, and forcibly removed from the building.
That’s right: Congressmen Dave Camp and Fred Upton are deciding how to fix our country’s $1.2 trillion deficit without having a single town hall at home to listen to their constituents. In fact, the closest thing Rep. Dave Camp has held to a town hall was attending an economic forum. Except it was in Utah. There was also a fundraiser, hosted by Pfizer, that Camp attended hours before looking at tax loopholes for those same corporate interests.
Even more troubling, Rep. Dave Camp has raked in $518,881 from Wall Street this year alone. Camp must have found the pocket with Wall Street’s wallet, as Upton was only able to bring in $67,000 from Wall Street this year. Being appointed to the supercommittee has done wonders for Camp and Upton’s fundraising numbers, increasing year-over-year by 177% and 150% respectively.
This is unacceptable. Demand that Congressmen Dave Camp and Fred Upton listen to the voice of their constituents – not only the 1 percenters – and hold a town hall.
Don’t want to wait for Congressmen Dave Camp and Fred Upton to hold a town hall and listen to the grievances of their constituents? Don’t worry, we’ve got a plan. Help us occupy their Facebook pages by posting – continuously – our grievances, questions, and comments. We’ll make them listen to us. You can contact them at their Facebook pages below:
Rep. Dave Camp:
Rep. Fred Upton:
Feel free to post these missing persons milk cartons – maybe this will help us track them down:
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