*Write-up taken from Michigan Energy Options and Michigan Environmental Council. 


Kurt Cobb, novelist and founding member of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and GasTuesday, April 19, 2011 from 5:30 pm – 7 p.m. at Michigan Energy Options, East Lansing.

On Tuesday, April 19, 2011, join a discussion on “Peak Oil” with Kurt Cobb, novelist and contributor to Post-Carbon Institute’s online Energy Bulletin. Cobb will discuss Prelude, “a new novel about secrets, treacheryand the arrival of peak oil. This tale of suspense provides a startling reinterpretation of contemporary eventsas it dramatizes the central issue of our age-our troubled energy future.”

Prelude is available at both Greater Lansing Schuler Books & Music Stores (Buy Local First!). We strongly recommend attendees read the novel in preparation of the April 19th event from 5:30 pm – 7 pm at MichiganEnergy Options, 405 Grove Street, East Lansing MI.

You must RSVP if you wish to attend; space is limited: info@michiganenergyoptions.org or call 517.337.0422×1303

Michigan Energy Options and the Michigan Environmental Council are sponsoring this event. It is the first ofan upcoming Michigan Energy Option series called “On Energy: Authors, Artists, Pundits and Provocateurs.” Go to www.michiganenergyoptions.org for more details.

Kurt Cobb is an author and columnist who speaks and writes frequently on energy and the environment. Hiscolumn appears on the Paris-based science news site Scitizen, and his work has been featured on EnergyBulletin, 321energy, Le Monde Diplomatique, The Oil Drum, Common Dreams, EV World, and many othersites. He is a founding member of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas-USA, and he serves onthe board of the Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions. He maintains a blog called ResourceInsights. He lives in Kalamazoo. Visit his blog at Resource Insights.

Cobb on his new novel: “I wrote Prelude in hopes of reaching a much wider audience than is typicallypossible through blogs, articles and nonfiction books. I believe I’ve produced not only an engaging tale, butalso a tool for activists to use to spread the word about the challenges of peak oil.”

Copies of Prelude will be on hand at the event and Kurt Cobb will be available for autographs.

Interested in a newly forming book club? Talk to us at the April 19th event for details on the PEAK OIL BOOK CLUB.

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