For immediate release
September 27, 2010
Contact: Sarah Scranton, 517.505.4248
Shulman opposes abortion in all cases yet supports transferring fetuses from woman to woman
WEST BLOOMFIELD – Michigan state House candidate Lois Shulman supports transferring fetuses from woman to woman, an idea that appears taken from dystopian novels about totalitarian governments and social engineering, Planned Parenthood of Michigan said, citing language on Shulman’s website.
Shulman’s website,, contains an “abortion” section with the following words:
“For years Lois was torn over this issue, in fact, it was what held her back from running initially. Then my friend Lori Julian-Kuriwchak shared this thought:
‘Since a fetus can be transferred to another womb and there are so many wonderful people who struggle to bear children why would it ever be necessary for anyone to abort, a transfer of a fetus would provide a new life with a loving, enriching welcoming environment that would provide the love necessary to start a quality life with.'”
“Lois Shulman needs to live in the real world, not the ‘Brave New World,'” said Sarah Scranton, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood of Michigan. “Lois Shulman’s ideas about women’s health and pregnancy are way out of the mainstream and belong in a science fiction nightmare instead of in our State Capitol. Oakland County families want the candidates to discuss real ideas about how we can create jobs of the future, not fantasies about how Big Brother can create the children of the future.”